Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Birthday Part 3: Friends and Family

The best part of birthday parties is getting to spend time with all of the people you love, which is why I saved this post for last!

I have said it a million times but I am one VERY lucky girl, I have so many people in my life who love me.  Even better, my cousin's birthday is 9 days after mine so we get to celebrate together!!  (In all honesty his birthday is 9 days short of being 14 years before me, but that is just a detail...)

Mama made both me and Tyler some great birthday ears to wear on our special day!

I also got to have my Great Grandma Joan come and visit me on my birthday.  We usually go to Alexandria to visit her, but this time she came to visit me!

 I had a ton of fun opening presents, I got a lot of coloring books and stickers and crayons...I LOVE to color and do stickers...

One of the bags was REALLY big, I almost got lost in it, but digging to the bottom was worth it, I got Curious George books!!

My Auntie Wendy and Auntie Missy and Cousin Tyler got me some fun Minnie Mouse jammies...I still haven't completely figured out how to put my pants and shirts on...I don't think I was doing it right, but everybody sure did think I was funny...

I even got some fun Minnie Mouse toys!!

Of course, the parties weren't all about presents, we had a lot of fun too...Papa Tim and I had a great time playing with all of the balloons...

And Papa Bob put on a pair of Mickey Ears to take a picture with me!!
Of course, Papa Bob wasn't the only one to try out the Mickey Ears, my friend Caden had fun wearing them too!  Isn't he cute?

No birthday blog post is complete without cupcake pictures...I did really good this year at blowing out my candles, I did it all by myself!!

On Saturday for my party with my family Mama gave me a vanilla cupcake, I ate it, it was good, but nothing special...On Sunday Mama gave me a chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting...It. Was. Amazing!!!!

After everybody left we had to clean up...I helped Mama by popping all of the balloons, except I wasn't heavy enough so Mama still had to help me...I loved hearing the loud BANG!

After a long weekend with a full house I really needed to relax...and like my Mama, I turned to baking...

Hope you enjoyed reading about my weekend,

My Birthday Part 2: Food

After reading about all of the great decorations, I am sure you are at the edge of your seat to see what Mama had up her sleeve for food...

When I woke up I found out that Mama had a special birthday breakfast for me...Mickey Mouse Pancakes!!!  They were delicious, and I got to eat them on my new birthday plate from auntie Heidi!

Of course, no good party is complete without good desserts, and if you know my Mama you know she LOVES making desserts...Look at all of the cute cupcakes she made!

My favorite was the chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting...YUM YUM!!

We also had tons of good food for dinner too...We had "Daisy's Fruit Bowl" and "Donald's Veggie Garden"...

 For our main dish we had "Hot Diggity Dogs"...

"Pluto's Potato Salad"...

And "Toodles Noodles"!

 Look at the cute Oreos that Mama made!!

She made both Minnie and Mickey, they tasted even better than they look!

We all had a really great time and enjoyed the food...More pictures soon of all of the family and friends who joined us!

My Birthday Part 1: Decorations

As you all well know, my birthday was this past weekend, and I sure did have a great party!!  
Everybody knows that the perfect party must start with the perfect invitation, and Mama didn't disappoint...Welcome to my Mickey Mouse themed party!  (For those who don't know, Toodles is the toolbox on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show...when you need to get a tool out you say "Oh Toodles!!!")

Minnie Mouse pulls out of the little envelope to reveal the details of the party.

Of course, no party is complete without decorations, Daddy even helped make them...Mama and Daddy decorated while I was sleeping, I was so excited when i woke up and saw all of the balloons and other fun stuff!!

Here is another picture of the decorations.  You may be asking what part Daddy helped with...He made all of the fun pinwheels and he helped hang up the streamers...and of course he helped blow up the balloons...

Of course, Mama was in charge of all of the little details.  She made Mickey and Minnie Ears for everybody to wear, and a cute little sign to go with it.

She also put together great treat bags for my friends to take home.  We found Mickey and Minnie crayons, and stickers, and Mama made a cute little coloring book too.  The girls got pretty necklaces and bracelets and the boys got a fun sticky ball!

 Mama also made a great banner, it says "Happy Birthday Linden"!!

There you have it...check back later for more pictures of the food and all of the fun we had!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's my Birthday Week! Day 5

Tonight is going to be a quick blog post, three parties in three days is a LOT of work!!

Friday night was the first party, but turns out, it wasn't for me...My good friend Anna turned three last week so it was time to celebrate.  Anna had an Ice Cream Cone birthday party, complete with yummy, delicious ice cream!  Many of you know that I can't eat real ice cream because it makes my tummy hurt, but Mama is so great that she remembered to bring some ice cream for me so I could enjoy it too!!!  It sure was yummy!

The hardest part about birthday parties that aren't for you is that you have to be patient and watch somebody else open presents...I was a good girl and let Anna do it herself, but it was really hard.  She got a lot of great toys and even let us all play with them when she was done opening.

Birthday Week Day 5 was pretty great, stay tuned for pics of my party!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's my Birthday Week! Day 3 & 4

In order to get in all of the days of my Birthday Week before the big day comes I have to consolidate...It isn't that I didn't have a ton of fun, it is just a matter of efficiency.

Wednesday Daddy and Mama took me to Bostons for dinner.  This is the first time I got to sit in the booth instead of in the little girl high chair, if that wasn't exciting enough, I got my first restaurant Birthday Dessert!!!  I can't have ice cream so they brought me a mini-brownie!!  It was delicious!

Tonight we met up with some great friends and went to the indoor water park.  It was a lot of fun getting to splash and swim with my friends.  I got a neat new life jacket that lets me play in the water without flipping me over, but it still helps me swim without my head going under water too far.  I am doing much better at swimming, although Mama said I still swim like a rock...not sure what that means...

One highlight of the night was my good friend going down the big water slide for the first time with his Daddy.  We were all so proud of him, way to go!!  I am glad he decided to give it a try, the big slide is the best part of the water park.

More adventures tomorrow,

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's my Birthday Week! Day 2

I forgot to post last night, and I almost forgot to post tonight, Birthday Week is a LOT of work!

Yesterday was day 2 of Birthday Week and it did NOT disappoint!  

One thing you may not know about me is that I LOVE tents, so when Daddy told me we were going to make a tent in the living room I was so excited!!  We have this neat little area in our living room that we usually have a big chair for Jake and Bella to sleep on, but Daddy moved it aside and made me a tent, he even got a pole to prop up the middle so it wouldn't touch my head!

I loved my tent so much that I just HAD to bring all of my toys into it...All of them!!  It. Was. Awesome.

After all of the playing in my tent I had really worked up an appetite, and that is when the evening got even better, I have Graduated from the High Chair, and I now get a Special Big Girl Chair at the table with Mama and Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I LOVED it!  I sat in in all through dinner and I ate my dinner like the big girl that I am.

After dinner I found out that my new big girl chair got even cooler, now I get to help Mama cook!  Mama was making mashed potatoes to put in the freezer so she let me help wash the potatoes!  I also got to help crush up crackers for meat loaf, and the most important job of all was stirring the cream of mushroom for the Tater Tot Hot Dish.  I love cooking with Mama!

Unfortunately after I was done with those jobs Mama said all of the rest of the jobs were "Mama Jobs" so I couldn't help any more, I was not happy.

Off to bed, I can't wait to tell you about the fun I had today!

Monday, January 14, 2013

It's my Birthday Week! Day 1

It's my Birthday Week!!  I am not completely sure what the origin of Birthday Week is, but no matter what, I LOVE it!!

Today Gretchen was sick so I got to stay home with Mama.  We went to Mankato yesterday for my birthday pictures and tried to go see the carousel, but the mall was closed...I think Mama knew that daycare was going to be closed be cause she said, "Maybe we can go tomorrow..."

Well, tomorrow was Today!  We got to the Mankato mall early so I got to scope out the best animals.  The first ride I decided to take the fastest animal, it was the Zebra!  I LOVED IT!!!  Up and Down, Round and Round, it was great!

After our carousel ride I had worked up an appetite so we ate lunch at the mall.  Part of being a big girl is getting big girl meals, I had a ham Subway sandwich with pickles and olives, YUM, YUM!  

 After lunch Mama surprised me with a second ride on the carousel, this time I decided to pick the prettiest horse, isn't she beautiful?  I LOVED the pretty flowers, I made sure to tell Daddy about them when he got home from work.  I was right about the zebra, he was the fastest!

It was a pretty great day, although I am glad to report that Gretchen is feeling better and I get to go to daycare tomorrow and hang out with my good friends!

Have a good night!