Monday, April 29, 2013

Extreme Makeover: Cozy Coupe Edition

Holy Cow!  It has been a LONG time since I have been on here.  Mama wasn't feeling the greatest last week, and as you know, she controls the blog password so I wasn't able to get out here...

Anyways, this past weekend was A-MA-ZING!!  We were outside as much as we could be, it was terrific! We went for walks, played at the park, dug in the sandbox, rode my trike, we even ate dinner outside!!

Turns out, Mama and Daddy were busy too, they gave my Cozy Coupe a makeover!!

Here is the before picture, a pretty standard and highly faded Cozy Coupe:

Daddy helped Mama disassemble it, and Mama worked hard using Goo Gone to get all of the stickers off...

After that, Daddy took my car through the car wash!

And then it was on to the paint shop.

Mama added some pretty fun finishing touches...I have a racing stripe:

A fancy dashboard and white walls on my tires (I have no clue what that means):

And the best upgrade of all, they added a baby carrier on the back so Baby Katie has a place to ride!!!

Here is the finished product.  I was so excited to play in it today when I got home from daycare.  Now I can ride around with my baby and still have room to haul rocks and chalk in the back.

I can't wait to do some more playing,

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saturday with Sawyer

Another cold, rainy, crummy weekend.  The perfect recipe for a boring weekend at home with nothing to do...Except when Mama and Daddy have a weekend of fun in store!

The weather here in MN has been dreadful, I have been asking for weeks to go out for a walk or play in the backyard, but the answer is always the same, "It is TOO cold!"  This weekend, Mama decided to bring the fun inside, we met Mama's friend Erin and her son Sawyer for a fantastic play date.

We started our play date at The Blast inside the Eagan Community Center.  Sawyer, Daddy and I ran around and had a ton of fun on the big slides.  This one was the little baby slide, we decided to start out there, but quickly ran over to play on the big kid ones!

After playing so hard we worked up an appetite, Sawyer and I shared some Teddy Crackers and Raisins!

Once we were done playing on the slides and climbing we decided to check out the local library.  They had all sorts of great books to read, and they had a bunch of puppies there for us to pet.  Some of the puppies were REALLY big!

They also had a bunch of cool toys to play on.  They had a fishing boat, and an airplane, and this neat truck. Sawyer and I took turns driving the truck with all of the other kids.

After all of that playing we were pretty hungry so we headed over to Chipotle and had a great lunch.  

It was a pretty fun afternoon!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What to do on a Rainy Day

Just a quick update before I get to today's blog post...Last week I started sleeping on a Map (Mama and Gretchen call it a Mat) at daycare, and even bigger news, I am FULLY Potty Trained!!!!!  The only part that stinks about that is that I don't get much for candy or treats anymore, but I am a big girl so I don't mind too much.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this weather is getting OLD!  All I want to do is go out and play, but nope, stuck inside!
Fortunately, there are lots of fun rainy day things to do, the other day Gretchen helped us make a craft, we made Cinderellas!  (Mama and Gretchen called it an Umbrella.)  Polka-Dots are my favorite, so that is how I decided to decorate mine!

Daddy found a new game for me to play, it is called Dominoes.  You find the one that has two blank sides, and then you have to start matching, so the next one would have one side that is blank, and then maybe the other side has 5 dots.  Then I found one with 5 dots on one get the idea.  I am pretty good at it!

There you have it, hopefully the rain and snow stops soon so we can get outside and play!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

How Do You Measure Up?

You all saw the great Easter Dress Mama made for me...All the sewing and fittings really brought out the inner seamstress in me...

I loved playing with Mama's measuring tape, and Daddy was such a good sport letting me take his measurements over and over again!

I think I am going to take after my Mama, do they make Princess Sewing Machines?  I think it might be on my list for Santa!

Have a good night!

(Note from Mama:  I left my measuring tape on the couch one night after measuring her for her dress.  She immediately picked it up and hung it around her neck like she had been doing it for years.  Pretty sure it brought a tear to my eye  :-)  I want Linden to grow up to be the amazing person she is meant to be, but a big part of me hopes that she is meant to follow my love of baking and sewing.  Those are special memories I have with my mom and I pray that they can be special memories for her too.)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hoppy Easter!

Hey Everybody!  I hope you all had a great Easter, I know I did!

This year, Easter wasn't just a one-day thing, it was the theme of the entire weekend!  Mama and Daddy didn't go to work on Friday so we went to the cities and saw the Easter Bunny!  I was a little scared to meet him, but when Mama told me he was going to bring me chocolate I decided to be brave and sit on his lap for a picture.  Mama didn't get the picture uploaded, so you guys won't get to see my happy Easter Bunny Smile.  After the Easter Bunny I got to go to lunch at Chipotle with my Auntie Wendy and Cousin Tyler.

On Saturday we went to Grandma Nancy's church in Rochester and did an Easter Egg Hunt!  This year Papa Bob even came to watch me find Easter eggs.  Everybody got to get 18 normal eggs, and one shiny egg.  Auntie Heidi was really good at helping me find eggs.  When you found the shiny egg you were supposed to say, "Jesus is Risen!"  It was a lot of fun.  I learned that the reason we have the Easter Bunny is to teach us about Easter, his big floppy ears teach us to listen, and his big feet remind us of the story about Jesus washing his follower's feet and remind us to be servants.

Of course, Sunday was the big day, and sure enough, the Easter Bunny came to my house!!  Not only did he leave some goodies for me, but he also left some for Mama and Daddy!

I loved going through my Easter Basket.  I got some stuff for my garden, a slinky, some play-doh, and...

 A BUBBLE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!  It was awesome!

After that it was time to search for Easter Eggs.  At first I didn't understand what to do, but I quickly caught on.  The Easter Bunny left me Chocolate Bunnies, Money, and Jelly Beans!  I love Jelly Beans!

Of course, we went to church, it is Easter and we had to hear the story about Jesus, I liked the part where everybody got to say "He is risen indeed!"  We decided to take a family picture at church, do you like my cute dress?  Mama made it for me, and she made one for Baby Katie that matches.  It was pretty cool to have matching dresses, I wonder if Mama will make us matching dresses some day?

And to make the weekend even better, I got to see my Great Grandma Joan, my Grandma Carolyn and my Papa Tim.  Auntie Megan and Tommy joined us at the house after church for lunch.

It was a great weekend spent with the people I love, can't get any better than that!

Hoppy Easter,