Hey Everybody! I haven't posted much about school, so I thought I would give a quick update.
I am absolutely in love with school. If you were to ask me I would tell you that music and gym are my favorite classes, but I really love reading, math and art too.
I go to Lincoln Elementary, and our mascot is the Roadrunner. If we make good choices in class we get a Roadrunner card that we get to bring to the office and put in a bowl. They use this bowl to draw names for prizes throughout the year. So far, I have gotten 3 roadrunner cards!!
The first few weeks of class we worked really hard on creating our Letter Books. Each day one student was picked to be the Letter Expert. They got to bring in something for their letter, show the class how to write it, and tell the class what sound it makes. I was the Letter Expert for Z, so I brought in a Zipper!
Once our books were complete the next goal was to read the book to our teacher and be able to tell her each letter, what sound the letter makes, and what word goes with that sound. Once we could do that we got to bring our book home! I was so excited to get to bring mine home last week and couldn't wait to show it to my Grandma and Aunties last weekend when we saw them.
It was really fun that P was for Peacock because it matched my Halloween costume.
Each page was a different letter and we got to draw a picture for each one.
School is pretty great. I can't wait to keep learning more!