Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Is it Tuesday?

Hey everybody!  Ellen here!

Guess what!?!  I started Gymnastics!!  

The past few years I have gotten to watch Linden at gymnastics, and we have a lot of fun playing it at home, but this is the first time that I have gotten to take a class myself!

I can't decide what my favorite part was, I really like the beam, but I also liked the bars, and floor was definitely awesome!

I also loved getting to play with new friends, and my coaches Macy and Kate are super fun too.

We decided to hit the local ice cream shop after.  I really love ice cream, but I don't actually like eating it that much.  My favorite part is getting to eat the cone.  Yum Yum!

Is it Tuesday yet?  I can't wait to go back!

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