Friday, September 7, 2018

Off to School

Hey Everybody! Ellen Here!

I have had a fantastic week!  I have been counting down the days until school started, and it finally happened!

Back to school fun started with Meet the Bus Driver day!  I was super excited about it, until it was time to actually meet the bus driver and then I changed my mind.

Luckily I have a great big sister and she talked me through it and showed me what to do.  Owatonna has a preschool bus route so I get to hang out with Gretchen before and after school, and I get picked up at her front door so I don't have to stand outside and get cold.  Linden is a tad bit jealous.

A few days later I got to meet my teacher and see my classroom.  I was so excited to learn that I got my own cubby, and I thought it was so silly that I could fit in it!

Once I got in my classroom there was so much to explore, I even had a stick with my name on it!  No clue what I am going to do with that, but I thought it was pretty silly.

After we checked out my classroom I really wanted to check out the playground, and it didn't disappoint!

Slides, swings, and monkey bars!  It was great!  I have been working on the monkey bars and I can't wait to master these ones.

The night before school started Mama surprised me with my own special blanket with my name on it.  We have rest time at school and I can't wait to snuggle with my new blankies.

That night I was so excited I could hardly stand it!!

The morning school started was awesome!!

Mama said that I looked so grown up and I got to wear my new school clothes.

After first day pictures Mama and Daddy surprised me with a trip to get doughnuts!

And then we were off to school! 

I felt like such a big girl walking down the hall, I even remembered the way to my classroom all by myself.

My teacher's name is Mrs. Jennifer.  A lot of Mama's friends know her and said that she is the best.  I was a little nervous and didn't want Mama to leave, but once she was gone I had a great day and couldn't wait to go back.

The next day Linden started school. 

Evidently pictures on the front step are a tradition.

Aren't we so cute?!?

Mama and Daddy brought Linden out for doughnuts too - I was okay missing it because it meant that I got to ride the bus to school instead of riding with Mama and Daddy (and they didn't tell me it was an option).

I can't believe Linden is already a 2nd grader, and next year we will be at the same school!

Linden was so excited to be back with her friends.  She has a group of awesome girls and that makes going to school even more fun.

Off to bed!

1 comment:

  1. We're so excited that you finally get to go to school! You will have a great time learning:) We are proud of you!
