Saturday, November 17, 2018

Let's Dance!

Hey Everybody!  Ellen Here!

Mama and Daddy decided to sign Linden and Me up for dance and I couldn't be more excited!!!!!!

The first night there I found out that my best friend from Preschool is in my dance class too!  Willow and I play together all day at preschool, and then we got to hang out at dance too!

Dance is a blast, it is full of twirling, and jumping, and spinning, and leaping, and all sorts of other fun things!!!!

 And best of all, it is full of friends!

Linden (in the red leo with the black skirt in the back) took things a bit more seriously.  She still got to have a fun time, but she was much more interested in learning all of the ballet positions, and certainly did a lot better job at listening!

Either way, we all ended up at recital night!

And we all looked pretty fantastic!

The recital was a ton of fun, but the lights were VERY bright and I had a hard time dancing because they were always shining in my eyes...

Linden didn't seem to mind.  She was pretty proud that she got picked for a solo part at the beginning of one of her dances where she got to be VERY sassy!

What a great night!

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