Monday, August 15, 2016

Let the Games Begin!

Do you know how much we love the Olympics in this house?  If not, you CLEARLY don't know my Mama!  The past few years we have had Art Parties, but this year Mama planned an Olympic Party!

I really wanted to do a craft, so we made Olympic hats to keep the sun out of our eyes while we were competing.

 Some of the adults tried to make up a competition, I don't know how it turned out, but I do know that no gold medals were awarded for either of the participants.

One of the most popular events was held at the swimming pool.  There were lots of fancy jumps, swimming, and splashing!

I just knew that all of the events would cause some pretty hungry competitors, and since McDonald's didn't sponsor us I decided that we should have Red, White, and Blue cookies for a snack.

 Everybody sure loves decorating cookies!

 And eating them even more!!!!

After our snack it was back to competing.  We had hurdles...

Long Jump...

Balance Beam...

Javelin Throw...

Archery...and so much more!!

No party would be complete without body paint, and the little kids REALLY loved it.  Especially Ellen.
Ellen was so proud, she went to Mama and said, "My Orange, Ellen Orange!"  Turns out, she had a little tiny spot of orange on her hand.  Silly Girl!

 Look at those sweet babies!

The body paint wasn't just for the babies, us big kids loved it too.

We didn't really have a good reason for water balloons, but they are so much fun that we just had to do it.

Who doesn't love water balloons?

I am pretty sure everybody had a great time.

Our fantastic party must have attracted all sorts of rare Pokemon because towards the end the boys took off and began their hunt.

To end our Olympic games we were all given Olympic medals for having such a great time.  

Sorry Caden...Not real gold...

Off to watch more Gymnastics!  Have a Great Night!

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