Sunday, April 15, 2012

You can call me Garfield

For those of you who don't know, my tummy doesn't like dairy very well.  I can have a little, but if I get too much I get a really bad tummy ache.  This dairy sensitivity has made it a little more difficult for mama to make some of her favorite foods.  Turns out, mama uses a lot of cheese and cream of mushroom soup.

Mama was getting bored with the standard dinner meals we have been having over the past few months so mama ventured into the Health Foods area at HyVee again to see if she could come up with something new.

Lasagna was taken off the dinner menu because of all the cheese, but mama found a cheese substitute called Veggie Shreds (mama promised me it wasn't made out of veggies...)  It Was DELICIOUS!!

I don't know how mama does it, but it seems like she always makes messy meals on nights that just happen to be bath night.  Daddy had a lot of scrubbing to do!!

I would share the recipe, but if you know anything about my mama you know that recipes don't really exist.  Plus, because I don't need to go completely dairy free the recipe can't really be called dairy free and I don't want to mislead anybody who might stumble across it.

Mama also made Cream of Chicken today...I'll let you know how that turns out soon!!

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