Friday, September 7, 2012

Last Trip to the Water Park

That's right folks, the water park is closed for the season.  I am NOT happy.
The Friday before the water park closed was B-E-A-UTIFUL! so Mama sent out a message and got a bunch of friends together and we enjoyed the evening.
My good friend Anna was already there when we got there.  She REALLY liked jumping off the side, and taught me a few of her tricks.

They have a fun slide with a turtle on it, I really like going down it.  A lot of the little kids are scared of it, but not me, I LOVE this slide.  Sometimes I even end up tipping over and going under the water a bit, but I just get back up and keep going.

I have gotten very brave this summer, and a whole lot taller so I have started venturing into the deep end (the deep end of the little kid side, that is...)  Sometimes I get distracted and go too deep, Mama doesn't like that, I just need to grow a few more inches and I will be able to walk all around.

In addition to the fun turtle slide, they also have a couple of fountains that I like to play in.  If you step on one the other ones go up really high, I like when the big kids do that.

Another one of my good friends came to the water park that day, Colin (and his brother Caden too).  Colin and I had a lot of fun splashing in the water and playing with the fountains.  He even went down the Turtle Slide with me!  We did take a quick time-out to read a book, Colin is really smart and he taught me all sorts of neat things.

It was a great day, I can't wait until next year when we can go again!

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