Thursday, November 21, 2013

I Went to the Dentist!

For the past few weeks Mama and Daddy have been reading me fun stories about going to the dentist, it sounded pretty neat so when Mama said today was the day, I was excited!

When we first got to the office they already knew my name so checking in was a breeze, we got to play with all of their fun toys right away!  After a couple minutes I got called back, and then I got a little scared...

At first I didn't want to talk to the lady, even though Mama said she was really nice.  And I certainly didn't want to sit in her chair or wear her silly bib.  But Mama insisted that I give it a try, and as usual, Mama was right!  It was great!  Miss Kathy had a neat chair that goes up and down and tips backwards.  She also had a lot of fun tools.

I sat like such a big girl and let Kathy count my teeth.  Did you know I have 10 on top and 10 on bottom?  That is 20 teeth all together!  She had a silly tool that sprayed water in my mouth, and another silly tool she called Mr. Thirsty who drank all of the water out of my mouth before I could swallow it!  He sure did make some funny noises!  The best one was her fancy toothbrush that polished my teeth.  I even got bubble-gum toothpaste (don't tell Mama, she says no bubble-gum until I am 5)  When the dentist came in I was a little scared again but Kathy helped me through it.

When I was done Kathy let me pick out a tooth brush, she gave me some dental floss and tooth paste, and let me pick out a pretty ring from her drawer!

I can't wait to go back, it was great.  Keep brushing and flossing,

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