Monday, June 11, 2012

Buckle Buckle

I would like to introduce you to my latest passion - Buckles!!  I LOVE Buckles.  Stroller Buckles, High Chair Buckles, Swing Buckles, Backpack Buckles.  If it has a buckle, I am happy.

Mama surprised me one morning with a new blankie...a Buckle Blankie!!  Mama is pretty amazing, she found a way to combine my love of buckles with my love of blankies!  And if you ask me, it is pretty cute too!

I am pretty good at buckles so it doesn't take me very long to get all five of them buckled.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to unbuckle them, but mama and daddy are always there to help.

Here are some pictures of my new blankie

Not only does it have buckles, but it also has zippers on it too!

And for when I am really looking for a challenge, there are even cute buttons in the corners.

I can't wait to see what mama comes up with next!

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