Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Pool Party

This summer went by really fast.  We didn't get a ton of time to go to the pool, but we tried to make the best of the weather and enjoy it as much as we could.  It was Ellen's first summer and she seemed to enjoy it as much as I do, I can't wait until she is swimming just like me.

Ellen seemed to like hanging out on the lounge chairs with Mama.  

But Mama made sure to get her in the water to splash around a little bit each time.  Mama found my old swimsuits and they sure did look cute on Ellen!

 One of the best parts of going to the pool is getting to hang out with good friends.  It seems like no matter when we go there is always somebody we know there!  Here is a picture of my good friend Kaiya and me.

We like to splash around and play in the water together.

Auntie Heidi surprised me one day and picked me up to go to the pool.  We forgot my life jacket so I had to play in the water without it.  I had a lot of fun pushing off of the wall and swimming back and forth between Heidi and Daddy.  I have a hard time keeping my face out of the water, but Daddy said I was doing a great job.
I sure am glad that Mama packs a swim bag for us when we go to the pool.  We like to have chips and hotdogs for dinner, but Mama always tries to make sure to pack a healthy snack for me to share with my friends.  All that swimming sure makes me hungry!!

After our snack it is back in the pool!  I can't get enough of the water!

Auntie Heidi had a great time playing with me, but she made sure to get plenty of snuggle time in with Ellen too.

Most of the time I like to play with Daddy in the pool, but every once in a while Mama has Daddy sit with Ellen so she can play with me too.

It was a great summer.  I am so glad we have an indoor pool to play at now that the weather is getting cool and the outdoor pool is closed.

I can't wait to have more fun with my friends!!


  1. It looks like you all had a lovely time, it won't be long before Ellen is swimming alongside you. Children seem to grow up so fast; cherish these moments. There’s nothing better than quality family time and this is the perfect location! My daughter used to love swimming even though she was terrible at it. It's the perfect family activity!

    Bernice Cunningham @ Guardian Industries

  2. Ellen will be joining you in your fun quickly. My son started playing in small pools when he was two. He was one of his first friends to pass a swimming test at 6-years-old. Now, the water provides a lot of entertainment for him. There are water parks, the ocean and local lakes, some think he is part fish now.
