Saturday, August 11, 2012

Night to Unite

Tuesday night was National Night to Unite and we invited the entire street over for an ice cream social!

It was a pretty great night, one of the best in Cottage Lane history!  We started the night out with ice cream, mama and daddy got me some lactose free ice cream so I could have some too.  It was an ice cream sandwich, and it was VERY messy.  Mama was too busy dishing up ice cream to get any cute pictures.

After ice cream we had our annual water balloon fight and I was right in the action.  One of the big girls taught me how to squeeze the balloons really tight and pop them, I thought it was pretty fun, and I LOVED getting all wet.

Mama and daddy let me stay up extra late that night because I was having so much fun.  The big girls in the neighborhood really liked playing with me.  We colored almost the entire driveway with chalk before the night was over!  I sure am I lucky girl to have so many friends.

The highlight of the night was when the police and fire truck showed up!  It was a lot of fun climbing in the truck and hearing the loud sirens.  The police officer and fire fighters were really nice and brought us some fun treats too.

I couldn't believe how big their helmets were, I could barely move it.  I thought it was pretty neat that their helmet even had a buckle on it!!

Off to bed, I had a very busy day today, I'll try and tell you about it soon!

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