Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mama's Projects

Hey Everybody!  Ellen here!

Mama has been getting lots of questions about what is going to happen with the blog, and after much deliberation she decided to keep the name the same and Linden and I can share the responsibility of posting.  

Over the winter, Mama was working on a couple projects for Linden and myself.  Mama loves to quilt so she decided to make Linden and I matching ones!

Mama made my quilt the perfect size for laying on the floor and playing.  She picked really bright colors and I love it!!

Mama did the quilting on mine and I think it turned out great!  She even quilted my name into it (you have to look pretty hard to see it, the E starts on the blue stripe and the N is in the purple stripe).

It is the perfect blanket for snuggling up and taking a nap  :-)

Mama made Linden's quilt big enough to go on her bed.  She used the same fabric for both of our quilts and Linden thinks it is pretty special.

Our quilts even match the flags on Linden's wall!

Linden has never really liked sleeping with actual blankets, she really loves her flannel blankets that Mama and Grandma made, but ever since she got this new quilt from Mama she has been sleeping with it on her every night!

Another project that Mama worked on over the winter was a growth chart for both of us.  Mama wanted to keep track of how tall we are, but she wanted to be able to move it in case we decide we want to put it somewhere else.  I really like how they turned out, Mama did all of the sewing herself, and is going to use tags to mark how tall we were each year.

They are even personalized for each of us.  She was pretty excited to find the purple measuring tapes to put down the middle.

Now that it is summer, Mama doesn't spend as much time on projects because we love to be outside as much as we can.  Who knows what projects next fall will bring!

Enjoy the sun,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellen! I'm so glad to see that you will be blogging, too! I can't wait to snuggle with you in your new quilt. See you soon.
