Saturday, February 24, 2018

Move over Lindsey Vonn!

Hey Everybody!!  Ellen Here!

Being 3 and a half has been pretty great, Mama and Daddy have been letting me try all sorts of new things and I am loving it!!  A few weeks ago we were at Grandma Carolyn and Papa Tim's and we decided to go to Andes Tower Hill.  At first the plan was for us to go tubing, but at the last minute we decided that we should give skiing a try.  

Mama used to teach skiing so she knew that learning at 3.5 is a little young, but I am pretty brave so she decided to give it a try.  At first I was a little grumpy, those boots feel pretty weird, and I just don't really warm to new things very fast, but once I saw what I was going to get to do I was VERY excited.

Linden learned to ski a few years ago so she was ready to hit the big hill right away, but Mama and Daddy made her practice a few times on the little hill anyways.

I was NOT very impressed with the little hill either, the only good thing about it was the fun magic carpet, but I wanted to get to the big hill as fast as possible.  

Of course, no adventure is complete without a selfie with Mama...After that and I few runs down the learning hill, I was a pro!

Papa Tim went with Linden on the chairlift...

and Daddy went with me!  I was pretty excited, the chairlift was SO high, and it was taking me to the top of the big hill!!

Too bad the big hills were REALLY icy and not very good conditions for little kids.  We gave it a couple tries but it wasn't very fun so we decided to head in.

The really fun part about Andes Tower Hill is that you can go skiing and snow tubing.  Mama couldn't go skiing because she just had baby Maren, but she thought tubing would be okay.

Tubing was a ton of fun, the hills can't be too icy for tubing.  Linden and Daddy were really brave and had the boy spin them as fast as he could, Mama and I just wanted to go down the hill nicely.  Sissy went so fast on one run that she lost her hat!!

The other fun thing is that we could link our tubes together and all go down as a family!  

Now, I am not a very big fan of taking naps, and I am REALLY skilled at evading them, however, all that fresh air made it impossible to resist. 

I guess I am going to need to get a little sleep so I can be rested and ready for the 2030 Winter Olympics!

Have a great day,

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