Monday, February 26, 2018

There was an Acci-didnt Lasternight...

The blog has had a lot of focus on Maren for the past month, but tonight it is all about Ellen!  (Don't let the title worry you, there wasn't an accident, everybody is okay).  Note - Pictures were added to this blog because they are cute, not because they really have anything to do with the post.

Ellen is 3 and a half, and let me tell you, she is one crazy lady!!  One of my favorite things about her right now is that she is certain that she needs to do everything exactly like me...except when I want to be like her and then she wants the exact opposite.  How annoying!  

Right now her big thing is wanting to know how old I am, and then she declares that today is her birthday and she is now 7 too!  (She has had a lot of birthdays this month!!)  Another example, at school I have to record my reading minutes so each day I ask Mama to keep track of my minutes...of course, Ellen has started to ask Mama to keep track of her reading minutes too.

Another funny Ellen thing right now is that she wants to know what time it is and what letter things start with...but she gets letters and numbers mixed up.  She will frequently ask, "Daddy, what number are you?" and he used to tell her how old he was and then she would get mad and ask again.  It didn't take long for everybody to realize that she really meant, how do you spell your name.

Being three means that sometimes when she says things they don't quite come out right.  "Lasternight" is one she uses a lot.  It could mean yesterday, last week, a month ago, tomorrow, or this morning.  And "Acci-didnt" is the same thing as an accident, which is funny because she usually did it on purpose, but she doesn't want to admit it.

Ellen is a project Queen!!!  That girl could sit at the table and cut, and tape, and cut, and tape, all Day LONG!  Any she doesn't just tape the paper, no, she tapes the table, and the chairs, and herself, and everything else.  And don't even get me started on her decorating our dinner chairs by taping her projects (that she cut and taped) onto all of the chairs.  She even taped a GIANT "E" onto the kitchen floor.

Ellen is also a MAJOR sleep evader.  She HATES to sleep, that girl could stay awake all night if Mama let her.  She can be a pain in the butt some nights, we share a room and she thinks it is really fun to tap on the wall just to irritate me.  Mama keeps telling me that I need to ignore her, but it is so hard!  The other night Ellen decided that she was going to sit in her bed so she wouldn't fall asleep, but that didn't work very well  :-)

Not only does she procrastinate going to sleep, but she procrastinates EVERYTHING!  Mama has started asking her to get her shoes on 5 minutes early because it will take at least that long for her to get to the entry way and even start thinking about getting them on.  And before that, to get dressed, it could take ages if Mama didn't make her sit in timeout every morning until she is fully dressed.  Daddy has started telling her how many minutes she has to eat her dinner each night, and once her minutes are up there is no more dinner. 

Ellen is a crazy lady, and that is why we love her!

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