Thursday, October 11, 2012

Beware: It is about to get Sappy!

It has been a while since mama has been a guest blogger here and seeing that it is my 200th post I figured I'd give her the honors.  Note the title...It is about to get sappy!!

Hey Everybody!  Mama here  :-) 

Recently I have found myself watching Linden play and grow and I keep thinking, these are the moments that I pray I never forget.  Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I am in love with the meltdowns over spilled fishy crackers, the early morning wake-up calls, or having a constant array of toys spewed throughout my living room.  But those moments are simply blips that connect all of the wonderful times I hope to never forget. 

I know this list will change and evolve over the years, and things that make the list now might even seem trivial in years to come.  None the less, these are the things that make right now so amazing.
  • I am totally in love with your joy.  It doesn't matter if you are putting on your shoes, doing a craft, or playing in the yard, you are such a happy kid. 
  • You are always moving.  I love when you run really fast, it makes me laugh and think of Phobie from Friends, the faster you go the more your arms flail, and the bigger the smile on your face gets.
  • You love to sing.  When we are in the car on road trips to visit Grandma and Grandpa there is sure to be a time in which you break out into song.  Right now you love singing the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Baby Bumble Bee and the Wheels on the Bus.
  • You do NOT like to wear clothing.  This can be frustrating at times, it is getting pretty cold outside.  Most nights when I come in to check on you before bed you have taken your pants off, some nights you even take your onesie off!  I always try to cover you up with your favorite blankie.  Even Gretchen has trouble keeping you dressed at daycare.
  • You love to give silly kisses.  One morning you were eating toast with jam and were all sticky, I pretended to get stuck when I gave you a kiss and the "sticky kiss" was born.  You also like to give nose kisses, big kisses, little kisses and puppy kisses!!
  • I love how much you love your grandparents.  You are so blessed to have so many people in your life who love you, and I love that you are so happy to be with them.  Any time my phone rings you ask if it is Grandma, and when you are playing with your toy phone that is often who you are calling.
  • I love how much of myself I see in you.  You are certainly not a morning person.  And you procrastinate going to bed at night.  You love to sing silly songs.  You are already a perfectionist and you love watching Wheel of Fortune each night.  You love making crafts, doing puzzles and reading books.
  • I love how much of your daddy I see in you.  You are determined and strong willed.  but you are also calm and willing to listen.  You love being outside and you love the lake.  You already enjoy helping Daddy and Grandpa Tim move the sprinklers.  You are always busy and on the go.
  • You are so articulate.  You started talking early and have never stopped.  You quickly picked up words faster than we could keep track.  You are already speaking in sentences.  It has been amazing watching you learn and listening to you try to make new words.  We never know what you will say next.
  • You are very kind and polite.  It is rare that we need to remind you to say please and thank you to people.  When you make bad choices you apologize and give loves.  You are gentle with Jake, Bella and Turk.  You are such a sweet girl.
  • You love making tents.  When you get out of the bathtub we pretend to make a tent out of the towel.  And you love to crawl under the blanket with me at night when we are reading books of watching Wheel.
I am totally, completely in love with you.
Your Mama

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