Sunday, October 14, 2012

You will never guess who I met today...

You know today had to have been a pretty amazing day if I am getting around to blogging about it already...I met the one and only, Curious George!
It was amazing!
We went over to the Children's Museum in Rochester for a special Early Opening Event.  Last time I was there the place was all about physics and golf balls, this time, it was all about George.

They had all sorts of stations with all sorts of fun things to do.  I really liked playing in the market with the fruits, veggies, and money.

We also went to the apartment where George got to play the doorman.  I liked opening the mailboxes.

They had a little statue of George, I really liked him, I even gave him a hug and a kiss...and a banana too...

Then the real fun came...It was GEORGE!!  Mama was a little scared of him, he was pretty big, but I was brave and we got our picture taken with him.

Before leaving we made sure to make some art to hang on the wall.  We sure did have a great day.

After seeing George I got to see Grandma Nancy, Grandpa Bob and Auntie Heidi.  It was a pretty great morning.

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