Sunday, May 15, 2011

Somebody is Lying to Me...

First of all, I have to apologize, Blogger has been down for almost a whole week...My goal was to blog at least twice a week but their outage messed me up last week. Sorry! Now for today's blog...

Last week I posted about the fun garden I got to make at Gretchen's house. It was a LOT of fun. We got to paint egg cartons, Gretchen helped us put Popsicle sticks in, and then we got to make some fun flowers and glue them on, it was great!

I was REALLY excited when mom told me me we were going to plant our garden, I had such a great time the first time, it could only get better! Mom put me in my carseat and loaded me into the car, that is when things started to get confusing. We went to a place called a Nursery, although it looked NOTHING like my nursery. There were lots of really helpful people there who showed us all sorts of pretty plants. Mom picked out a whole bunch of different ones.

When we got home daddy helped mom put them in the garage, she said it was too late to plant the garden.

The next day I went to daycare, excited to come home and make our garden, but when mom picked me up I heard her tell Gretchen that she had planted the garden already. I was kind of bummed that mom did the garden all by herself, I had such a great time with Gretchen. I was excited to get home to see what kind of flowers mom made, but when I got there I didn't see any gardens.

Here is a picture of me with all of the plants that we got at the nursery...

Mom took me out to the backyard to show me the garden, it didn't look anything like the garden I made at Gretchen's, but it was pretty neat. She explained that there were seeds that would grow into plants. Mom planted Tomato plants, red, orange and yellow peppers, peas, green beans, and cucumbers. Mom told me that someday I will get to eat the veggies from the garden, her favorite are the peas.

I haven't figured out who is lying, maybe there is more than one type of garden? Either way, it was fun!

Now it is time to watch the season finale of Survivor!

Out Live, Out Play, Outlast!

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