Monday, January 24, 2011


Today mom and I had our first solo adventure out of the house. The doctor told mom to get some medicine to help her heal and dad forgot to pick it up for her so she said we were headed to Target.

I didn't quite know what the big deal was, but mom was pretty excited. She loaded me up in my carseat, put the cozy, warm cover over me (made by Grandma Nancy, Thanks Grandma!!) and we headed out. When we got to Target I immediately knew why mom liked it there so much, there is SOO much to look at and so many people to see. I knew the nurses at the hospital and all of mom's friends would like me, but I didn't know I had an adoring public there too!

After picking up all sorts of goodies (I got a new sleeper, hopefully it helps keep me warm tonight) mom headed over to the pharmacy only to find out that the Target pharmacist doesn't really know what she is doing. They didn't have the prescription she needed and had never heard of the other stuff that mom was told to get. Fortunately we were able to head to Walgreen's and they had everything mom needed!

Here is a picture of me in my carseat in the cart at Target:

Today's adventure was pretty great, I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!


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