I had my one week weight check today, still not quite back up to 6 pounds but mom said that is OK, I am eating better every day, it is just so hard to stay awake!! Mom has resorted to some pretty mean tactics in the middle of the night. She changes my diaper, tickles me behind my ears, and if I am REALLY sleepy and won't eat she gets out cold wipes!! To give her some credit, she doesn't come in and wake me up, she waits for me to be hungry enough to wake her up, but once I am awake she expects me to eat. If any of you have any tricks up your sleeve that are less mean let her know, I'd really appreciate it!!
We went to the clinic today to get my weight checked so mom thought it would be a good idea to bring the girls in Labor and Delivery some treats to say thank you for being so great last week. Anybody who knows my mom knows that she LOVES to make cupcakes. Mom said I was a really great help because I was a good sleeper while she baked and frosted them. I can't wait until I am big enough to eat them, Dad said mom's new chocolate chocolate filling was REALLY good. Mom decided to take a picture of me with a cupcake, I think it turned out pretty cute (don't worry, she threw that one out!)
This blogging thing is a lot of work, I have to go take a nap so I am rested when dad gets home from work!
Hope you had a great Thursday!
Only you Amanda, would have a one week old baby and manage to have enough energy to make home baked treats for the nurses! You're amazing!!! Super super cute picture!