Sunday, October 23, 2011

How Big is Linden?

Mama and daddy have this "game" they like to play...They say "How big is Linden?" and then hold out my arms and say "SOOO Big!"  I can't possibly see why they think it is so much fun...personally, I think it is pretty childish.

None the less, I am getting pretty big.  I had my 9 month appointment with Dr. Bob yesterday and found out I am 28 inches and 18 pounds 4 ounces!  I was pretty excited for this appointment, I heard from the other babies that there aren't any shots at the 9 month appointment!  Unfortunately, it is flu season which means I had to get a flu shot.  I tried really hard to be brave and not cry, I just couldn't help it.

Like I said, I am getting pretty big, I am trying REALLY hard to learn to walk...mama keeps telling me to slow down.  Life is WAY too short to stay in one spot!  Dr. Bob tested my walking while holding his fingers and said that for being 9 months I am not walking, I am sprinting!  Mama and daddy got me some really fun toys for me to practice with.

I am also getting really good at eating big girl food.  Mama and daddy like to share their dinner with me and have also started giving me peaches and pears!  Daddy also got me my first Camelbak water bottle, he was pretty excited because it came from Cabelas.  I am getting pretty good at drinking out of water bottles and cups!

Time to go, I am off to lunch with my Auntie Heidi!

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