Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's Apple Season

Evidently it is apple season, and evidently that means mama goes crazy in the kitchen.  What is it with that lady and cooking?

After mama picked me up from daycare we got daddy and went to the apple orchard!  Fireside Orchard, just outside of Northfield, is a pretty neat place.  They have a little shop where you can buy apple donuts, fudge, popcorn and of course, Apples!  But of course, not my mama, she has to do things the hard way, "for the experience" so we bought a bag and headed out to the orchard to pick our own.

There were a lot of trees that were FULL of apples!  We got three kinds, Keepsake, Haralson, and Fireside.  I bet you can't guess what Grandpa Bob's favorite is...Haralson, of Course!! (his last name is Haroldson, in case that didn't make sense to somebody!)

Of course mama and daddy, in their usual fashion, were insistent on getting a picture of me.  There were lots of neat places to take pictures there.  They had pumpkins up front, a pond with waterfalls, all sorts of flowers, a rose garden, and lots of fun chairs and benches.  I was NOT in the mood.

When we got home mama decided to try making apple sauce.  She got this fancy apple peeler/corer/slicer from Great Grandma Dottie which worked out pretty great for prepping the apples.

Next, she put them in a pot on the stove with water and cinanamin...cminanimanin...cminim...I am sure you know what I am talking about.  When the apples were done boiling mama poured off the extra water, it was some pretty tasty apple cider!

Then mama put her fancy KitchenAid to work.

It didn't take long, and we had Applesauce!  Mama said it was too chunky for me, and it was almost my bed time so I didn't get to try any, but she promised that I could have some tomorrow for dinner.

 Doesn't it look tasty?

Here is one last shot of the delicious apples we picked at the orchard.

Have a good night,

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