Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Walker: Part 2

I'm back!

The rest of the weekend was spent in Walker, MN...It is a little town (population 941) about 40 miles east of Brainerd.  There are tons of cute shops down town, an amazing Mexican restaurant (Cafe Zona Rosa), and a fantastic fireplace company (Wilkening Fireplace).

Even though it may seem that I am biased, I don't know what that word means, so there is no possible way that I am...but, I must admit, my mama's uncle owns both businesses  :-)  Either way, my reviews are accurate, if not an understatement.

The reason we drove 5 hours to Walker wasn't because of cute shops, wasn't because of the delicious kiddie margaritas (mama wouldn't let me have one, but she said hers was delicious), and wasn't because of the efficient warmth of a Minnesota made Wilkening Fireplace, nope, none of the above.  It was to celebrate mama's cousin Jessica's Confirmation, and her sister's, Christina, baby shower.

We had a great time at both parties, unfortunately, we had so much fun that we didn't have time to take any pictures.  Since I have no pictures, I guess I am going to have to sign off...

Just kidding!!

The confirmation party was fantastic.  I got to meet a bunch of mama's aunts, uncles, and cousins.  The food was fantastic, and plentiful.  And I had an entire household full of adoring public.

The baby shower was equally fantastic.  There were fantastic decorations.  Lots of food, cupcakes and punch (not that mama let me have any of it...) and great games.  I was pretty excited when I WON!!  Auntie Heidi was showing everybody this great book with lots of different textures, and I found them all before anybody else!!  All the other people were watching Christina open presents, either way...I did pretty great at the "touch and feel book".  I am very excited to meet Baby Brock, I can't wait to have another "mama's cousin's baby"...

Anyways...before this post rambles on any further, I will get to the pictures...

The best part of being out of town is getting to stay in a hotel with a pool.  The only thing better than that is staying in a hotel with a pool AND Auntie Heidi!!!

Auntie Heidi is a lot of fun, she twirled me around, splashed with me and taught me to put my face under the water (thanks to Auntie Wendy's tested swim training plan...)

 I also got lots of play time with mama and daddy in the pool...

Unfortunately, daddy didn't want to get out of the pool so mama did all of the picture taking so all of the pictures are of me with daddy. 

Mama brought a lot of my bath toys which made the pool even more fun...I was pretending to swim like my turtles...

Like I said, Auntie Wendy has a well tested (mama, auntie Heidi, and cousin Tyler, and probably a couple more) swim plan...Here is a picture of me and daddy blowing bubbles in the water!!

We had a fantastic weekend.  I loved getting to see all of mama's family.  I know I have said it before, but I am such a lucky girl to have so many people in my life who love and care about me...I am even more lucky that so many of them I can call my family.

I can't wait until next time!

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