Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rules of Laundry

Tonight mama and daddy were doing laundry so I decided to help, I learned a lot about doing laundry.

1. If you want your whites to stay white you need to wash them separately. I am sure when I learn my colors that will come in handy, but for now, not so useful...

2. If you leave your clothes in the dryer too long they will get wrinkles, and then you have to get out the iron. Mama won't let me use the iron yet so I am going to have to learn to tell time so I can make sure to get my stuff out quick enough.

3. Some clothes need to be folded before being put away, and some can just be put in the drawer.  Mama has most of her clothes folded, but none of mine are. A lot of my cute dresses get put on hangers though.

4. I am a very good help with laundry. 

5. Clean laundry tastes better than dirty laundry.

6. There is no need to be scared of laundry.  For some reason Jake is very afraid of laundry, I don't get it.

7. Mr. Maytag is the only laundry machine good enough to handle my mess.

8. Watch out for the sock monster.  Mama told me about this monster that crawls in the laundry machine and eats socks.  She assured me that he only eats socks out of the laundry machine and is too scared to come upstairs and eat the ones in my room.

9. Be careful around laundry baskets. I am not exactly sure how I ended up inside of it.  I am not exactly sure if it was fun or not.  I am very glad that mama rescued me!

10. No matter what you spill on your shirt, daddy can get it out.  Believe me, I have tried! 

There you have it, now you all know just as much about laundry as me.

Have a good night,

1 comment:

  1. What's David's secret? Liliana ruins everything she wears with stains.
