Saturday, September 3, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I know I promised a blog a day to make up for lost time, but things have been kind of crazy around here.

First of all, mama and daddy had some friends over, so we were busy picking up the house. In addition to the normal cleaning there was some extra cleaning due to some new toys that I got! I'm not really sure what to do with my new toys yet, but once I figure it out I will surely tell you about it.

Secondly, it was mama and daddy's anniversary yesterday. It is a LOT of work helping daddy in order to make him look good. Mama had to work on Friday so I had all morning to figure something out. I convinced him to get mama some flowers, mama was very happy.

Thirdly, I have been trying to get in a couple new teeth. I have my bottom two chompers and they are pretty great, but I am pretty certain life will be easier once I get a couple more. Getting teeth is a lot of work and it makes me not feel good, but I am pretty sure it will be worth it in the end.

Fourthly, and most importantly, I have been in the midst of learning a new form of transportation. A REALLY long time ago when I was little, the only way I had to get around was by crying and then mama or daddy would pick me up and carry me around for a little bit. They also stuck me in a silly swing trying to convince me that I was going some where, I am not sure what they were thinking with that, I am WAY to smart to fall for it. I got sick of waiting for mama and daddy to pick me up and then bring me to where I wanted to be so a few months ago I decided to start rolling to get around from place to place. That made my life MUCH easier, but I got really dizzy and sometimes I would bonk my head and that didn't feel very good.

Rolling worked but I knew there had to be something easier so I decided to try and copy Jake and Bella and try crawling...I haven't quite mastered that yet, but I have gotten pretty good at army crawling! Mama tried getting a video onto YouTube but it was being difficult so you will just have to wait.

You see, I have been VERY busy, and all of these activities required a lot of energy which means that I need to get a lot of extra sleep. I really wanted to blog, I was just too sleepy.

Hopefully this post makes up for some lost time. Off to take a nap, Grandma Carolyn is coming down to babysit so mama and daddy can go out for their anniversary.



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