Monday, December 31, 2012

Is it to late too post my Christmas Letter?

I hope it isn't too late to post our Christmas letter, Mama and I have been busy packing up Christmas stuff and getting ready for my BIRTHDAY!!!  Blogger won't let me upload any photos right now so you will just have to make do without one...Sorry folks!

Merry Christmas!
Once again, Mama and Daddy have put me in charge of writing the Christmas letter, and once again, we have had a VERY busy year. 
The year started off with a party to celebrate my first birthday. It was great having all of my Grandparents, Aunties and Cousin there to celebrate. I even had a special party to celebrate with my good friends. I have had a year full of growing. I love to talk and sing and play with my baby dolls. I love puzzles, reading and playing outside. I still go to the same great day care and love spending time with my good friends there.  I am still a very happy and easy-going kid.
Mama and Daddy are still working at the same place, Mama at Federated Insurance as a Programmer, and Daddy at Truth Hardware as an Engineer.  They both enjoy their jobs and have had very busy years. Daddy still loves golfing in the summer and snowboarding and curling in the winter.  Mama still enjoys making crafts and has started digital scrapbooking. Mama has also joined an indoor volleyball league this year which she is enjoying. We spent a lot of time together this year playing at the lake, swimming at the pool, going for walks and playing at the park.  We also got a membership to the Minnesota Zoo last year so we made lots of trips there too.  We sure did spend a lot of time in the car, but it was worth it to have all that fun.
This year has been filled with a lot of ups and downs. In May Grandpa Bob was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. As of right now, he is doing very well and we are lucky that treatment hasn’t been too difficult for him. It has been hard but we are trying to enjoy the time we have together and it has reminded us to always count our blessings. 
Grandpa Bob and Mama always talked about eating Lobster on the Beach so in July we took Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Bob on a vacation to Maine. We enjoyed all of the beautiful sights, saw whales and puffins, and ate PLENTY of lobster! It was a great vacation and I am glad to have gotten to spend such great time with my grandparents.  Mama and Daddy also took another special weekend trip with Grandpa Bob to Kansas City to see a NASCAR race.
Remember to count your blessings every day, hug the ones you care about, and you can never say “I Love You” too many times.  I pray you had a year full of love and may 2013 bring you joy.
With love,
Linden  (Mama and Daddy send their love too!)
Dave, Amanda and Linden Aarsvold
Jake, Bella and Turk too

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