Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pool Party!!

Hey everybody, I hope you are all surviving the heat wave!!

Up until a couple of weeks ago I thought mom was lying to me when she kept talking about the weather getting warmer. I was born on the coldest day of the year so anything was an improvement, but I never thought it could get this warm!

Mom decided to get out my swimming pool over the weekend so we could play outside and stay cool at the same time. It turns out, mom and dad didn't buy the pool for me, they originally bought it for Jake and Bella. Daddy wanted the dogs to like water so he thought if they had a small pool they would get used to being in the water and then maybe they would swim in the lake. Jake and Bella didn't buy it, they just used it as a giant dog dish.

Fast forward a few years and now the pool is meant for me! I wasn't so sure about it at first. The sun warmed the water up which was nice and mama stayed next to me so that made it much better. Here is a picture of me sitting in my pool, aren't I doing such a great job at sitting? I liked watching mama splash the water.

After I sat in the water for a few minutes mama let me lay down. The water felt funny on my back, but once I got used to that I had a great time kicking my feet and waving my arms. I really enjoyed my time in the pool. After playing for a while I decided to sit by the edge and relax a bit.

Once I was done swimming daddy had a warm towel ready and waiting. Aren't I a cutie!!

I have to take a minute and show off my cute swim suit. Mama's friend Lisa got it for me, aren't I a cutie!!

Once I was all dried off and warmed up I decided to do some sunbathing and relax by the pool.

Just kidding, I was in the shade, mama said I can't sunbathe until I am a LOT older! I still enjoyed laying in the shade and playing in the grass.

It was a great weekend. I love the sun, the warmth and all of the time outside! I hope everybody is enjoying this weather as much as I am.


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