Saturday, August 20, 2011


Tonight is a pretty neat is my 100th blog post AND I turned 7 months old today!  I was having a hard time deciding what to do for my 100th post, I knew it had to be something special...I was thinking about posting my top 100 list, but I haven't learned to count that high.  I thought I could go back and re-post all of my favorite pictures, but that would have taken FOREVER to find them all and then add them all to the blog.

I have decided for my 100th blog, that I am going to let mama write this one.  Be prepared, she might get all sentimental and teary...Take it away mama!

Hey everybody!  Amanda here!

The 20th of every month has become special to me, I take it as an opportunity to look back and marvel at all of the amazing and wonderful things that God has done in my life.  In the last 30 days Linden has gotten two teeth, learned to sit on her own, figured out how to roll all over the place to get what she wants, tried dozens of new foods, and has managed to wrap her daddy even tighter around her little finger.

This blog started out as a way to make sure that Linden's grandparents could watch her grow, it has turned into so much more.  It has blessed me with the gift of finding new and fun ways to look at life. It has given me the opportunity to document many of Linden's firsts, and been a fantastic way to chronicle the major events of her life so far.  Squishing rice cereal around on her high chair, or shopping with mom at Target may not be big enough events to make her baby book, but they were activities that we got to watch, and see her grow through.

It amazes me how fast the world turns, we are over half way through her first year, and I look forward to the future and all that it has in store for her as a person, and for us as a family.  Looking forward gives me hope and something to be excited about, none the less it is equally important to enjoy the present and look back fondly of the past.  As I am typing, Linden is lying in her crib fast asleep.  One of my favorite things to do is peek in her room and watch her chest slowly rise and fall. The peace and the quiet remind me to enjoy right now. There is nothing sweeter than the soft face of a sleeping baby.

Nobody knows what the future of this blog has in store.  Will we reach 200 posts? Will it continue into her toddler years? Will she some day take over and do the writing on her own? (Sorry, I should have issued a spoiler alert!)  Only God knows what the future will hold.  I pray every night for continued blessing and a long life of happiness and joy.

Linden has bless my life and our family in more ways that I could ever express. 

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful to put your thoughts into words. The amazement of being a mom never ends, and it just keeps getting better every year. You never know what the next adventure will be, and you are thankful for every day that your child is healthy and happy! You are a great mom, Amanda!
