Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another visit to Dr. Bob

I got tricked again today...

Daddy picked me up from daycare today (normally mama does) and told me we were going to go see Dr. Bob.  I thought it was funny that he would call Grandpa Bob, Dr. Bob, but either way, I was pretty excited!

When we showed up at the clinic I was pretty confused, and then daddy went to the counter to check in and I knew I had been duped.

I should tell you, my doctor's name isn't really Dr. Bob, that's just what people call him.  His last name starts with Bob but then gets tricky, so he just shortens it.  Dr. Bob is a nice guy, but every time I see him I end up not being very happy in the end.

Trips to the clinic always seem to start off on a bad foot.  There are all sorts of fun toys and new books and magazines to chew on, but mama won't let me!!  I don't know why she doesn't want me to have fun at the clinic.  Anyways, once my name gets called we get to go back to the appointment room and things get better...there are always lots of fun things to look at.  Today I was in the jungle room and there were a lot of monkeys hanging from the ceiling (I have also been to the ocean room, there are fish all over the wall!)

I like talking to the first nurse that comes in, she asks mama lots of questions, and plays with me between them.  Once Dr. Bob comes in things start getting uncomfortable.  Like I said, he is a nice guy, and he makes lots of funny voices and noises, but then he sticks a piece of wood in my mouth, pulls at my ears, shines bright lights in my eyes, and puts a cold thing on my chest and belly!  I wonder what he is looking for?  I heard mama tell daddy there wasn't anything between his ears, I don't know if that is good or bad?  The other thing Dr. Bob told me is that I am up to 16 pounds 11 ounces.

I had a pretty good time while we were waiting for Dr. Bob to come in.  The bed in the room has paper on it, I think mama should put paper on my bed, it is really fun to crinkle and eat!  It was a lot of fun!!

Dr. Bob's nurse said I did a really good job at playing, although she is the nurse I don't really like.  I need to figure out how to convince mama to leave once Dr. Bob leaves, because then the second nurse comes in and she is NO FUN!!  I got three shots today, I don't know why mama lets her do that to me!!  I wonder if Dr. Bob knows what she is going to do and that is why he leaves? 

I can't wait until I am older, when we were leaving the hospital I heard another mom tell her little girl that they would get ice cream afterwards.

Lesson learned, when the doctor leaves, we should leave!

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