Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I know, it is WAAY past my bedtime, but I just had to tell you about the fun I had at daycare today.  It was robot day!!

When mama told me this I wasn't really sure what to expect, I had never heard of robots before.  What does a robot do?  Can I eat a robot? Can I play with a robot?  Do I sleep with a robot?  So many questions, I couldn't wait to find the answers!!

Here are some of the things that I learned about robots today...
 - Robots like to eat cereal and crackers, that is why their bodies have cereal and cracker boxes in side of them.  I wonder if I have carrots, green beans and pears inside of me??
 - Robots come in all shapes and sizes, and every one of them is unique.  Just like us!  Everybody got to build a robot today and they all looked great.
 - Daddy tried telling me about all of the robot stuff he gets to do at work. His robots aren't nearly as exciting as the ones we made today...I think daddy needs to find some new robots, maybe he would like a robot that would make him lunch, or maybe one that would pay bills (he seems to do that a lot...)
 - Robots can do a LOT of things!  My robot picked up all of the toys I threw off the side of the high chair (mama makes me wait a little bit, my robot did it right away!)  One boy's robot played catch with him.  And somebody had a robot that could read books!
 - Daddy is a bad robot dancer.  He tried showing me how robots dance this morning and it looked REALLY silly...
 - Mama told me that robots sleep through the night and that I should pretend to be like a robot and give it a try.  I'm not sure why she wants me to sleep through the night, we'd be missing out on some great play time!!

Here is a picture of me with my robot that I made...

I really liked looking at my robot, it was very shiny, and had really soft hair.

I decided I would see if my robot tasted did have a cereal box in the middle, that had to be a good sign...

Nope, didn't taste good at all.  Why doesn't mama warn me before I do things like this??

All in all, I had a pretty good day.  I learned a lot about robots and had a great time building my own!

Have a good night,

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