Friday, March 25, 2011

I love my Bumbo

Happy Friday! Friday is a pretty exciting day, first of all it means I get to go to Zumba with mom, normally it means we get to go out to lunch with dad (we were busy today so we had to skip out), it usually means a trip to Target (not that we need something every Friday, we just like to go), but most importantly, it means daddy will be home for two days!!!

I have to tell you about one of my favorite things right now, it is called a Bumbo. It is a little seat that only I fit into and it lets me sit up all on my own! I get pretty comfy when I am in my bumbo...

I really like sitting in it because it means mom gets to be on the floor in front of me and then she makes silly noises and faces to make me smile (this isn't a very good picture of me smiling, she needs to work on her camera skills...)

The bumbo is pretty nice because it has high sides so I can't fall over and the back is high enough to help me hold my head up. The center thing is nice so I don't slide out. I am still a little small for it so I kind of lean over at times, but it is still my rattle? Kitten really likes playing with it too.

I can only be in the bumbo for a certain amount of time though and then I get tired, and then I get crabby.

Don't I have the meanest mom ever, she takes pictures of me when I am mad instead of helping me out, I'm telling grandma next time I see her...
Once again, Happy Friday!

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