Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rochester Weekend Part 3: You may now kiss the bride

Dum Dum da dum, Dum Dum da dum...(sing that to the tune of the wedding march and it makes more sense)...

This weekend I figured out what I want to do when I grow up, I want to marry daddy and live happily ever after...

We went to the wedding of mom's high school friend, Dena Hammond, she married Joel Wienberger in Rochester this weekend. We had a great time at the wedding. I was fantastic, as usual, and slept the entire wedding, I waited until the very end to wake up, a girl gets hungry...Joel and Dena are a really fun couple so there were a lot of unique touches to the wedding, from the creative drawings on the program, to the readings from Mr Rogers and a book called "A Lovely Love Story".

Dena is a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee and works in one of the labs (she is REALLY smart), I think they met through their time spent in the lab at school. Well, one of the special, unique touches they had for their wedding was their center pieces...It is hard to tell from the picture but they are all beakers!! Their favors were test tubes filled with chocolate candies...

In addition to the creative centerpieces they also made Mad-Libs for everybody to fill out, and bingo cards so we had extra to do at the reception. It was a beautiful day and we are very happy for them. Here is a picture of me in my pretty dress that I wore to the wedding. I had a bow in my hair but it didn't stay on my head very well, I think I need to grow a little bit more...
We had a great time in Rochester. I love hanging out with my family, seeing mom's friends and cheering for hockey! Who knows what next weekend will bring!
Lots of love,

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