Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My head is so HEAVY!!

I have to start this post with an apology, you see, I spend pretty much my entire day sleeping and doing cute things so my mom can take a picture so I can update my blog, but these days my mom has been complaining that I keep her up too late so she forgets to send the photos in so I have nothing to talk about. I don't really understand what she is complaining about, I find all sorts of time to take a I apologize that it has been a couple days since my last post, I'm going to have to talk to mom about that.

One of my favorite activities each day is tummy time. Sometimes mom lays me on the floor so she can get dishes in the dishwasher or do a load of laundry but most of the time I get to do my tummy time on top of mom. I think it is pretty neat, I get my tummy time in AND I get to cuddle with mom!! I really like cuddling with mom but tummy time is a LOT of work, look how big my head is!!
Mom says I am doing really good, I can hold my head up for a long time. Sometimes it doesn't go as well though and my head goes crashing into mom, daddy thinks that is pretty funny.

Time for another nap, tummy time makes me TIRED. When I wake up grandpa Bob should be here to take us out for dinner!

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