Saturday, April 16, 2011

I found Nemo!

We went on a BIG adventure today, we went to Underwater World at the Mall of America with Hailey!! We had a GREAT time, unfortunately I was REALLY tired so I slept through most of it but it was still fun. We started out the day with a behind the scene tour which was pretty neat. We got to go into the kitchen and see where and how they prepare the food for all of the animals. We also got to see where they test the water and take care of injured animals and we got to walk around above the tanks. It was pretty neat and we learned a lot. Once we went downstairs we got to see a LOT of fish and other sea animals. I thought the jelly fish were really neat, they had colored lights shining on them so they changed colors!! Here is Hailey next to the Jelly Fish. There were a TON of sharks in the aquariums. We learned that they get fed every other day so they don't get hungry and eat the other fish (in the wild they eat only once a week). We also learned that a sharks brain is only about the size of an egg but over half of it is devoted to smelling which makes them good hunters in the wild. One other interesting fact is that sharks have a LOT of teeth, each meal 3-10 teeth fall out, in a lifetime they go through more than 30,000 teeth!! I really liked this shark...

Here is Hailey looking at the sharks up close, I was too scared to get that close...

We even got to see an alligator and Hailey was brave enough to pet it!!

Just kidding, we went to the Rain Forest Cafe for dinner! The alligator was just pretend but it still looked really neat. Hailey really liked when it started storming at the restaurant. Here is a picture of Daddy, Hailey and me...

Daddy said we couldn't go to the Mall of America without visiting LegoLand. It was pretty amazing, this was one shopping trip that I was excited for daddy to teach me things. Look at my big smile when he was showing me all of the legos!!

Here is a picture of mama and Hailey with a lego statue of Woody from Toy Story.

I had a really great time today. I love hanging out with Hailey, she is really nice and likes to play with me.

Daddy told me it is tummy time now, I don't like tummy time...I wonder what I can do to get out of it??


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