Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Weekend Part 2: Easter!!

After plenty of delay, I bring you part 2 of Easter weekend...

As usual, it was a pretty good weekend. Mom and dad picked me up from my sleepover and we got to watch Tyler play Lacrosse, his team won and he even scored a goal!! It was my first time at a lacrosse game but I am sure there will be plenty more this summer.

After Tyler's game we went to the mall and I got to meet the Easter Bunny!! I was a big girl and I didn't cry, I am not sure why there were so many kids crying, I thought hanging out with him was fun, although I did refuse to smile for the camera, I was hungry...

After the mall we went to Grandma Carolyn's favorite store, IKEA!! It is a pretty neat store, it is REALLY big and it has everything! I was pretty excited that we were going to get to see Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Tim, it had been a while since I had seen them and I was bummed that they weren't going to get to see me in my Easter dress and tights.

The next day was Easter which was a very busy day. My cousin Tyler got confirmed at the early service, then we had pancake breakfast, and then it was Easter church. It was pretty neat seeing my cousin get confirmed, it is kind of like the big-kid version of baptism!

After church we went back to Tyler's house and I found out that the Easter Bunny doesn't just hangout at the mall he also comes to visit!! I am kind of bummed that I wasn't around to meet him again, but he left some pretty neat stuff! Look at all of the books and toys he brought me, I even got a cute summer outfit...
It was a pretty great weekend but I am glad to be spending this weekend at home with mom and dad. I had a great week at daycare, I'll have to tell you about it sometime next week.

Lots of love,

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