Thursday, April 7, 2011

Playdates and Prayer Requests

Today's blog is split into two parts, there is the fun part and then the more serious part...I'll start with the fun part first... Mom and I had another playdate yesterday, I know, we go on a LOT of playdates, but it is fun, it gets us out of the house and mom and I know a LOT of babies!! Yesterday we hung out with baby Max and his mom Kara. Max is only a week and a half old and let me tell you, I felt REALLY old hanging out with him. I wanted to do all sorts of grown up baby things, like tummy time, and batting at the toys that mom hangs above my head, itsy bitsy spider, and maybe even practice rolling over. Max wanted NOTHING to do with those things, all he wanted was a full tummy and a nap. Don't get me wrong, I like those things too, but we were on a playdate. Mom reminded me that I was once 10 days old too and all I wanted to do was sleep, maybe next time! Here is a picture of handsome baby Max... Now on to the more serious side of the blog...Mom and I are asking for prayer requests for a family at church. There is a little girl at our church who is around 3 or 4 and she just found out she has cancer. She started Chemo Therapy this week and she isn't feeling too good. We are asking for everybody to pray for her to heal and also for God to give her strength to make it through all of the treatments. We also want to pray for her mom and older sister. Mom and I decided to make some meals to bring to them. Mom said I was a really good helper, I need to get a hidden camera to see what I do when I am sleeping, mom always says I am a good helper when I am sleeping, I don't get it, aren't I just laying there?? I helped package up the food at the end, look at how I am such a big girl!

Most of the people who follow my blog are moms. Count your blessings for the healthy children you have in your life and say a prayer for the family at our church. We are SOO blessed, Linden

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