Sunday, February 20, 2011

a GREAT weekend!

First of all, Happy 1 month Birthday to me!! Can you believe all the snow we got today, it is at least knee high at my house (well, up to my knee at least...)

Let me tell you about my crazy, fun weekend...It started out on Friday morning when we took off for Grandma Carolyn's house in Alexandria, MN. We made a stop at Target, then Barnes and Nobles and then CHIPOTLE!!! Mom said I am too little to eat Chipotle, maybe for my two month birthday I will be big said it will be a bit longer.

Friday night was a lot of fun, I got to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa and we got to stay up REALLY late. Mom went to bed at 9 but I stayed up until after 10!! Grandpa and I had a great time playing really late!

Saturday we woke up and after breakfast we went and met my great-grandparents, turns out, they are pretty GREAT!!! Great-grandpa Glen kept staring at me and saying "I could just watch her all day". He lives in an assisted living home and all of his buddies came in to meet me too. The nice staff even brought us cookies!! I was awake for a little while when we were there and I was showing off my talking skills, Great-grandpa asked if I talk much and mom said that I talk all the time, great-grandpa responded "typical woman...", I like him, he is funny :-)

Here is a picture of us together...
I also got to meet my Great-grandma Joan. She is really sweet and wanted to cuddle with me too. She brought me a really cute pink outfit for when I get bigger. Here is a picture of us cuddling...

Saturday night I got to meet more of my family, I got to meet my great-aunt Naomi and great-uncle Tom (dad's aunt and uncle). Grandma made dinner for all of us and everybody said it was really good. I have had a cold for the past few days so I was fussy for most of the night, but they still said I was pretty cute and that I am a keeper! I really hope my cold goes away so I can feel better soon...
We left grandma's house this morning but before we went grandma read me a book borrowed for me from the library, "I'm Going to Grandma's". It was a really cute book about a little girl who goes to her grandma's for the night and she gets scared, but then grandma gives her a quilt that her grandma made for her when she was a little girl and it made her feel better. I really liked the book, and I liked reading with Grandma. Grandma found another book at the library called "Grumpy Grandpa", but she didn't think grandpa would like it very much so she didn't get it. Here is a picture of me with the book...
Mom and dad were pretty happy with how good of a car rider I was this weekend, I slept pretty much the whole time, and when I wasn't sleeping I was still really good. I am pretty excited for our Family Vacation to Duluth in a month!!
Keep warm, and enjoy the fresh snow!