Monday, February 21, 2011

Snow day

Today was a pretty laid back day, because of all the snow we got, Daddy took the truck to work so mom and I had to stay inside and hangout. We didn't do too much today, but we did get a couple good naps in!!

One of my favorite times of the day is at night, right before bed mom feeds me and then it is time to read. Some of the time mom reads, other times daddy reads, some times I get rocked, and some times I lay on the floor, no matter what, I love it!

My favorite book so far is "I Don't Want to Get Up Today" by Dr. Seuss. Mama got it from my Aunt Wendy when she went to college, Wendy thought it was funny because mom likes to sleep! It was one of the few books mom and dad had when I was in mom's tummy so that is what they read to me. I also really like Curious George, I have a couple books about him.

Here is a picture of daddy reading to me. Most nights Jake goes to bed before we start reading, he is a REALLY sleepy puppy and likes to go to bed early, but Bella joins us most nights...

My Mama's aunt and uncle, Wanda and Arne, sent me my first bible so mom and dad have started reading that to me. Mom says there are lots of really fun stories and they all will teach me about a really important person. I am pretty excited to learn about him, mom says he is a big deal.
Well, off to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow!

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