Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Crazy Daddy...

First of all, I have to say, Mom's dinner last night was a success. I didn't get to eat any of course, but all of the adults said it was pretty tasty. There was a Fajita Lime Chicken seasoning kit that mom wants to try now (they were sold out when we were at the store last).

Today was a VERY exciting day. We started it out with my two week appointment with Dr. Bob (he has a long last name so he just goes by Dr. Bob). I gained 9 ounces in the last week putting me up to 6 pounds 7 ounces which is one ounce over my birth weight. I have been a very good eater for mom!! Dr. Bob said I am still only in the 5th percentile for my weight but mom was still pretty happy that I am getting bigger.

If you can remember back a few days ago I got to visit mom's favorite store, well dad decided that tonight was the night that I should visit his favorite store. It was REALLY cold outside so they bundled me up tight in my carseat and off to Cabela's we went. I don't know why daddy loves that store so much, there is a LOT of really bright orange and brown clothing and all sorts of boring hunting and fishing gear. I did think the animals were pretty neat though. Here are some photos.
I thought the bunny was pretty cute, mom wouldn't let me look at what was above the bunny chasing it...

I don't know how they got the elephant in the store, he is SO big!

Well, there you have it. Cabela's was a pretty fun trip. I wonder what adventures tomorrow will bring. I have to go to bed, mom says it is WAY past my bedtime!


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